We prioritize collaboration and communication to ensure a solution that meets your needs.
Is a very collaborative process where we will work together to ensure a solution that meets your needs. We use an agile development process because it works well to help deliver a high quality, adaptable application, even in situations where our customers may not be that familiar with custom database development. We have found that breaking projects up into development phases helps to divide the work into more manageable chunks and gets a working solution in the hands of our clients faster. The sooner our clients can start working with the solution, the sooner we can see areas of misunderstanding or missing business rules. This path works well to ensure deliverables meet expectations and that budgets and timelines are met.
The project will start with a broad planning phase where we will ask a lot of questions about your organization and the business processes to be codified in the custom database solution. To get things started in this phase, please complete our new project inquiry form. We will arrange in-person meetings, or virtual meetings using Zoom. Depending on the project, we may create mockups of the proposed screens in order to ensure we are on the same page with you. The end goal of this phase is to understand the requirements of a solution that will fit your needs.
After completing the planning phase, we will begin with the development and release phase where we will deploy a number of versions for testing, with each new version intended to deliver an agreed upon set of functionality. We rely heavily on our clients in this phase to actively participate in the process to keep us on track and assure a fully tested solution. Testing is a critically important part of the custom database development process. We don’t know your business or organization the way you do, and so your active involvement in testing the solution will be essential to the success of the project.
We use a custom-built checklist application to document the deployment process carefully so that deployments proceed smoothly every time. As required for individual projects, we will perform regression testing to help assure no inadvertent changes have introduced defects into the solution. Also as needed, we will prepare release notes to document changes from version to version for ease of training staff on system changes.
Once the project is finished, we will always be available for ongoing support. Our commitment to forming long-term relationships with our clients has given us the opportunity to work with some clients for as long as 30 years now.