
FM Cluster Maps demo file

We have been getting a lot of requests for a demo file to accompany one of our blog posts about google maps integration. While we aren’t quite ready to release an unlocked example file for the techniques we used, we have put together a sample file in order to allow users to try out the maps integration.

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Manuscript (formerly Fogbugz)

Manuscript, formerly Fogbugz, is an online software management tool made by Fog Creek (Stack Overflow, Trello, Glitch) that aids with project management and issue tracking. Within it’s full-featured package, users can submit bug tickets and feature requests, while managers can implement the Agile methodology to track projects and sprints.

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An iPhone App for Patient Info

FileMaker Pro can be an excellent platform for developing iOS applications and a recent project for one of our clients is a good example of this capability.

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Modular FileMaker Part 2 – ModularDialog

This blog post covers the second half of the “Modular FileMaker” series, covering a couple of modules we have used from

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Stories of Internet Cons

As with most people who work in technology, I sometimes find myself in a tech support role during the holiday seasons (well, all the time really). I feel it's extremely important to encourage family members to think critically when sharing information or computer access with anyone out on the internet. There are two scams that I’ve recently had to deal with, and there are lessons to be learned from both of them. Hopefully by sharing these experiences, you can avoid having to deal with the negative consequences yourself.

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SurveyMonkey and FileMaker: A Case Study

One of the great things about developing solutions using FileMaker Pro is that there are always numerous ways to solve a problem. I wanted to use this post to examine a solution we designed for a large managed care organization. Several years ago, we built a customized sponsorship management application for the client that is used to manage the entire process of sponsoring 3rd party events, symposiums, conferences, including review of applications, funding distribution, accounting, and document management.

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