
Upgrading to 4D v15

The upgrade process for 4D v15 is just a little more complicated than past upgrades.

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FileMaker 15 Certified!

Kate's experience with the FileMaker 15 exam was different, but she is certified!

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Back to Basics

With some careful planning and a bit of experience, a simple FileMaker solution can be built to fix a simple problem within 30 minutes.

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Creating Word Clouds

Alanna investigates word cloud generators.

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Travel & Technology

From a technology standpoint, I would say traveling in Korea and Japan was perhaps actually easier than the US, since sometimes the airport and hotel WiFi networks in the US are only barely fast enough to get anything done.

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DevCon 2016 Report

This year’s DevCon consisted of three days of sessions, each broken up into four one-hour chunks, with plenty of time for lunch and breaks. This more relaxed schedule was great, as it allowed for time to decompress and digest the wealth of information in the sessions.

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