
MBS Plugin Dev Highlights

Like many other FileMaker developers, I have gone through my fair share of plugins over the years of FM development. Some extend FM functions, some enhance the debugging process, while others are multipurpose tools for FM development.

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Button Bar Sort Header

One of the missing features in FileMaker is the ability to add portal headers that can both sort portals and easily display the ascending or descending sorted order.

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Pause on Error 2016 – Cleveland

The Pause on Error conference is a FileMaker developer’s conference on a smaller scale than FileMaker’s annual DevCon (in Las Vegas this year). It gives you a nice opportunity to more easily meet people and the sessions tend to be less formal. 

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Google Maps Integration into FileMaker

While incorporating address information to render markers on Google maps is fairly common these days, we have made some additional strides in working with the common Google API and are able to leverage some useful but obscure API services.

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Congrats, Kate!

Kate is the first certified FileMaker v14 developer at Portage Bay Solutions!

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Have Phone, Will Travel

The adventure of using an international cell phone can be part of the fun of travel.

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