
Claris Engage Recap + DevCast with Special Guest, Clay Maeckel

Group photo of the Portage Bay Solutions team at Claris Engage 2024
During the Claris Engage conference in February, Clay Maeckel, Chief Software Architect at Claris, graciously shared some of his time with us as a guest on our podcast, for Episode 13 the FileMaker DevCast. In the first part of the podcast, our citizen developer host, Dan Smiley, and Clay discuss a variety of areas. Then the podcast wraps up with our team sharing post-conference takeaways, insights, and favorite moments.  Read more
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Finding the Creative Synthesis of SXSW, AI and FileMaker

A ChatGPT generated image of South by Southwest, showing a large crowd inside an industrial building, with many people wearing VR goggles.
This March I had the opportunity to attend SXSW Interactive, one of the premiere gatherings for creatives, technologists, and business leaders. It’s no surprise that SXSW is known as the conference of creativity. I left the event with new, innovative ideas spinning in my head. In this post, I share with you my key insights from the conference, along with demonstrating the role that AI can play in our modern workplace, based on my own experience using it to synthesize the conference materials. Furthermore, I also want to leave you with a creative parallel - demonstrating how SXSW and FileMaker have grown up in similar fashions. Read more
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Attend Build Grow Learn in April – Real Speakers with Real-World Training

Square logo for Build. Grow. Learn.
Attend Build Grow Learn in April! Built by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs, who took everything they've loved about attending events for decades, and threw away everything they've hated. This event is built for the entrepreneur who is truly ready to build their business, grow themselves, and learn to scale! Read more
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New Add-on! Free FileMaker Date Picker Widget

Screenshot from our free FileMaker Date Picker Widget
As part of an internal project where we are turning some of our various code modules into add-ons, we’ve revised the date picker and are making it freely available. Download it from within the article. Read more
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Our Recent Experience Building a FileMaker Web Application with FileMaker Cloud

Colorful graphic depicting computer connected to a large cloud with icons representing a multitude of integrations available.
Our latest venture involved building a web application for students to submit data through a form, pushing this data to a FileMaker solution for storage and analysis. This blog post chronicles our journey from the initial hosting strategy to navigating the unforeseen challenges presented by FileMaker Cloud: in particular, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and Data API authentication, and shares the valuable insights we gained.This blog post chronicles our journey from the initial hosting strategy to navigating the unforeseen challenges presented by FileMaker Cloud: in particular, Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and Data API authentication, and shares the valuable insights we gained. Read more
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Expand Your Integrations Knowledge through the FileMaker User Group, Claris Beyond

Photo of colorful, braided strands of yarn, illustrating FileMaker integrations.
Join Claris Beyond, a FileMaker user group focused on integrations. Join us to hear these upcoming speakers. Vince Mennano- Inspector Pro, Joe Ranne - FFmpeg, Mark Richman - Gloss, and Jacob Carr - GraphQL. Read more
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