
All Things FileMaker

FileMaker recently released a new website, Made for FileMaker, which serves as a hub of available FileMaker solutions for sale as well as plug-ins and external resources related to FileMaker.

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Library of Congress

Be sure to go to the Madison building first and get a Library of Congress user card!

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Linked Web Browser Page in FileMaker Web Viewers

We wanted users to be able to click on a link within the web viewer and see the linked page in a window in their web browser outside of FileMaker. There was a 'gotcha'.

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The Drive to Ke’e Beach

John makes the rest of us jealous with his trip to Kaua’i.

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Create Launcher Files in 4D

4th Dimension has created a registered file suffix, .4dlink, that allows you to create a simple custom XML file that a user can double click on to launch the database application.

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