And Now for Something Completely Different

Yes, it’s true. I had design work in a 4th Dimension database to do, and testing in a FileMaker one. There were end user questions to handle. But it was a beautiful, cool, misty fall day.

What wouldn't I do for that face?

So, after answering the queries (we try to get to them in a timely fashion, even when the outdoors beckons), the dog and I jumped in the car and headed out to an off-leash dog park in Everett that has winding trails through acres of woods.

Post mud discovery

As it happens, there is also a pond. And mud. Far be it from Tully to avoid either. What with the wooded trails, the undergrowth, the logs, the pond, imaginary squirrels to chase (I’ve never seen one inside the fence), and a few other dogs to chase through the underbrush, I now have an exhausted pup sleeping away the afternoon. Hurray!

There was also beautiful fall foliage, moss, bracket fungus, asters, large firs and pines, and all the other wonders of the Pacific Northwest in autumn.

Now I guess I need to get back to that 4D design work…

Note: This is an off-leash dog park (Loganberry Lane). Please obey your local leash laws.
