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Attend Build Grow Learn in April – Real Speakers with Real-World Training

If you are looking to start or grow your business, ready to learn from real-life experts, tired of pitch-fest events – this event is for you.

Build. Grow. Learn.

Claris Engage. Check!

The entire Portage Bay staff was able to attend Claris Engage in Austin, Texas, in February. Being a fully virtual team, we all enjoyed finally getting to meet each other in person. (Thanks for the AirBnB and the Austin barbecue, John!) We also enjoyed strengthening our FileMaker connections and learning even more about the capabilities and longevity of the Claris platform. 

At Engage we were able to speak with Clay Maeckel, Chief Software Architect at Claris. You can listen to Episode 13 of the FileMaker DevCast on Podbean or Apple Podcasts

Build Grow Learn is Next!

Next month John heads to Greenville, South Carolina, for another FileMaker conference. Build Grow Learn is presented by Beyond The Chaos, Kalos Consulting, and The Scarpetta Group – along with sponsors Claris, Orbis, and System & Soul – and is filled with plentiful opportunities for learning and connection. The environment is designed for networking – not selling – and for building relationships. Entrepreneurs, small business owners, and software developers/consultants aspiring to create a business are all welcome.

This video provides an overview of what you’ll discover. Sign up soon and make your travel plans. A handful of discount codes remain so be sure to contact Susan at Beyond The Chaos to have one of those applied to your registration.

On the Fence? Decide Yes, for You and Your Business

I have been searching for small business conferences for years that you could go to and learn something and not be sold to the whole time.

These are real speakers with real-world training. While we might have sponsors, it is not a constant “buy this, oh, I’m going to give you a little bit, and then you have to buy my course.” This is really educational.

This is the conference I wish I could have attended 15 years ago. 

All the speakers, they’re not randos off the street. They didn’t apply to speak; we went to the people we know first, that we’d look up to and look for their leadership in those areas. They were asked to speak on a topic that they were an expert in.

Build. Grow. Learn. qualities for the FileMaker conference

Attend Build Grow Learn – April 15 – 17, 2024 – in Downtown Greenville, SC

Enjoy pre-conferences, inspirational keynotes, and a multitude of sessions covering these business and development topics. Plus you’ll be in a beautiful location where you can enjoy an abundant food scene, local art, and unique shopping experiences.

Falls Park Greenville South Carolina FileMaker Build Grow Learn


  • Human Resources
  • Q&A Panel: Virtual vs Onsite vs Hybrid
  • Q&A Panel: Business Operating Systems
  • Leadership & Culture
  • Five Fatal Financial Mistakes OTHER Business Owners Make
  • Intellectual Property Considerations for Developing and Licensing Software
  • Achieving a Quality Online Presence
  • Operations: Using Your Time Intentionally
  • Who, When, and How to Hire
  • Operations: Structure for Success
  • A Tech Talk for Those Who Don’t Talk Tech: Apple Hardware, Cybersecurity, and Managed IT
  • Marketing: Refining Your Message, Building Authority, Driving Leads, Sales Methods, Lead Management
  • Team Building
  • Selling Through Listening


  • Claris FileMaker Technical Session
  • Getting Connected: API Adventures in Claris FileMaker – Where APIs and Awkward Beginners Collide!
  • High and Low Tech Solutions Powered by Claris Connect
  • Conventions for Development with Claris FileMaker
  • License to Analyze: Shaken, Not Stirred – Scoping and Documentation
  • Project Roadmaps and System Integration: Using the Right Tool for the Job
  • Crafting Code with Clarity: The Role of Expressiveness and Documentation

We Focus on Continual Learning, to Assist with Your Digital Transformation

We choose some conferences throughout the year where we can join others in our industry to stay connected and up-to-date in the Claris FileMaker realm. We also highly value continued learning in our day-to-day schedules as well.

Our team meets for dev meetings twice a week to discuss topics, help each other through hurdles, and do code reviews to ensure our programming is efficient and effective. We maintain an active Slack channel for issues that need to be handled on the fly. And we encourage each other to log ongoing continued education hours, to ward off complacency and to continue learning and growing. 

We are Claris Platinum Partner and are ready to put our collective knowledge and skills to work for you and your digital transformation. Schedule some time with us today to share your thoughts and map out plans.

Claris FileMaker logos for certified developer, FileMaker Pro, and Platinum Partner.