Congratulations, John, On Earning Your v19 Claris FileMaker Certification!


In the FileMaker community, the Claris FileMaker certification exam is one of the primary means of identifying an individual or firm as a recognized professional in the field. We’re excited to announce that Senior Partner (and co-founder) of Portage Bay Solutions, John Newhoff, earned an additional certification by passing the version 19 exam last week. 

The FileMaker Certification exam was formerly taken as each new version of FileMaker was released. Since Claris adopted a more agile release strategy several years ago, the exam has gone to a bi-annual format. John is certified in versions 9 through 19, and is now certified through October of 2024. 

Congratulations John! Pass the cake!

Digital certificate showing John's completion of the version 19 Claris FileMaker certification.

What Does a FileMaker Certification Mean?

The FileMaker certification exam tests a developer’s complete knowledge of the platform. Exam areas include these areas and more:

  • Technical specifications

  • Database schema

  • Building layouts

  • Working with calculations

  • Writing scripts

  • FileMaker security

  • Deploying custom apps

  • Data integration

  • Publishing data on the web

  • Development tools

  • Designing for FileMaker Go for iOS

Updates to the Certification Program

Claris has now retired the annual certification system in favor of an ongoing process where developers can earn certification badges proving their proficiency in a variety of areas, such as FileMaker Pro, Claris Connect, and FileMaker Server.

John and Kate will both retain the status of their earlier certifications. And now multiple members of our Portage Bay staff have also acquired their badge certifications. We look forward to expanding our badges when Claris releases the next phases of the FileMaker Server.

Our company is also a Claris Platinum Partner and a Claris Connect Partner. Contact us to discuss how we can create a FileMaker solution or web application for you, or how we can optimize your existing systems.

Claris FileMaker logos for certified developer, FileMaker Pro, and Platinum Partner.