Thank you very much for your feedback and for taking the time to provide such specifics. It will be helpful to others reading the article. We agree there are some limitations to 2FA in FM Cloud, and we look forward to Claris addressing them.
FileMaker Cloud is handy for organizations like ours that do not have their own external-facing server infrastructure. Unfortunately, the 2FA for Claris ID is only available as SMS messages, which you are prompted for every file you open in FMP (except, somehow, for a couple of my apps which never prompt me to log in?!?), and each message comes from a different number so it clutters up your phone’s messages app. Most damningly, every few months the SMS messages don’t arrive on certain cell phone networks, and Claris Support’s ‘solution’ is to remove the 2FA from the affected accounts (noting that you can re-add it later, but how do you know if it’s working again??). I would be much more inclined to recommend FM Cloud if they had a more robust 2FA system! If our FM Cloud wasn’t prepaid until 2026, I would be looking at alternative 3rd-party hosting providers. (It’s at least better than our early-COVID solution of sharing FMP files via Dropbox and using Slack to coordinate to make sure only one person has each file open at a time!)