FileMaker Devcon 2018

The annual FileMaker developers conference (Devcon) is coming up soon. Something we always look forward to at Portage Bay, this year the conference is in Dallas, Texas. Thank goodness for air conditioning!

With FileMaker 17 having been released recently and the Rest API no longer a beta feature, there will be a number of interesting sessions on integrating FileMaker with various web services like Google, MailChimp, and Salesforce.

We’re just starting a new project for one of our clients to integrate their FileMaker solution with Xero, a web based accounting system, so it will be interesting to learn about techniques other developers are using.

I also expect to see some innovative uses for the new master/detail feature introduced in FileMaker 17.

FileMaker has also implemented new features in FileMaker 17 that encourage 3rd party developers to build new products based on these enhancements like a graphical interface for the new command line data migration tool and enhanced server administration tools based on the new server administration API.

I look forward to seeing you at the conference if you’re going. Keep your eye on our blog for reports on interesting things seen in Dallas next week.

~John Newhoff