FileMaker Free Templates

This post has been updated for FileMaker 19.1.2

FileMaker has always included starter solutions, simple databases with basic structure that allow anyone to use as a starting point. Through the years and various versions of FileMaker, the solutions have become more advanced and complex to show the new features of FileMaker.

Starter Solutions

In FileMaker 19, there are several types of free starter solutions and templates. The first is the basic “Starter”, which is the simplest of the solutions and provides an easy way to build onto your solutions. These options are:

  • Assets

  • Contacts

  • Content Management

  • Inventory


The next type of starter solution is the “Template” file. At Claris Marketplace, you can find professionally designed templates, some created by Claris and others by various FileMaker developers. The cool thing about this site and these templates is that some include simple how-to videos and tutorials on how to add additional features. For example, the “Job Tracking” template includes additions for invoicing, job charts, iPad attachments, upcoming tasks and iPad time entry. 


Add-ons are a brand new feature in FileMaker 19 which allows you to build and leverage drag and drop modules. New FileMaker add-ons include: activity timeline, barcode generator, calendar, calendar heatmap, kanban, photo gallery, rich text editor, simple chart and timer. All of these new add-ons are accessible right now in the add-ons tab in layout mode in FileMaker 19 and at Claris Marketplace.

FileMaker developers, including Portage Bay Solutions, are working to create custom drag and drop add-ons for easy implementation of new and powerful features into your FileMaker solution. In the near future, Portage Bay will be releasing a new add-on that features an advanced logging functionality that can be easily implemented into your existing solution. 

For more info, check out this Claris article about add-ons: FileMaker 19: Add ons

Quick Start

FileMaker’s new “Quick Start“ feature allows users to create FileMaker applications from scratch by just using drag and drop.

The new drag and drop interface allows users to jump in and create their own custom solution in minutes! Although quick start is still technically in preview, users can use the feature by starting from a new, blank file using FileMaker Pro for macOS. You can easily drag and drop fields and graphics dynamically within the new dynamic FileMaker layouts. The objects automatically adjust and move as you make changes to the objects. A very powerful tool which Claris intends to build upon in the near future!

Click here for more info -> quick start

*Note: You must have “Use advanced tools” disabled in FileMaker Pro’s preferences for quick start to work.

These resources can be a big time saver, especially if their purpose closely matches what you are intending to build. Any of these templates and solutions can be easily customized, tweaked and repurposed to mold to the exact needs of a custom solution. It’s nice to know there are some free starter solutions that can save time and provide inspiration for future solutions

Check out some of our FREE Portage Bay Demo Files 

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Mar 28, 2019