Claris has historically sponsored an annual developer’s conference, but during the pandemic, like many such events, the conference has not taken place. PauseOnError, the FileMaker ‘un-conference’ has been the main in-person developers conference now for two years. This year’s version will take place next week in Georgia.
The conference has a much smaller attendance than the official Claris developers conference and so there is a better chance to talk to other developers, network, and ask questions. Not to mention the scenery is second-to-none and the camp atmosphere lends greatly to rest and rejuvenation. Registration for this year is already closed, but you’ll want to put PauseOnError on your 2023 calendar, for sure.
PauseOnError is a FileMaker conference. PauseOnError is a tech conference. PauseOnError is an art project. PauseOnError is an experiment. PauseOnError is a gathering of humans.
Last year Portage Bay did a session on the different kinds of logging in FileMaker – such as event logging, audit logging, and error logging. This year we’re going to do a session on learning third party APIs – tools we use, looking at documentation, etc.
Portage Bay’s senior level developer, Joe Ranne, and I will lead the discussion and I’m sure we’ll learn as much from the session attendees as they might learn from us.
Bringing Back Great Things
I’m really looking forward to the conference next week. Hopefully we’ll come back with some good future topics for the monthly Claris Beyond Meetup that Portage Bay sponsors. Join us there in Zoom every third Wednesday at 12pm Pacific. And stay tuned for the PoE recap!
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Claris Beyond User Group
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