Free PBS Logging Add-On

One of the most exciting new features of FileMaker 19 is the ability to create custom add-ons. Beyond the set of default add-ons available with any FileMaker client installation, developers now have the ability to design and deploy custom add-ons through the Claris Marketplace. Before putting our first add-on into the marketplace, we are providing it for free on our blog. You are able to download this add-on by clicking the link at the bottom of this article. 

About the PBS Logging Add-On

With the PBS Logging Add-On, you can easily add a simple logging functionality to any FileMaker solution. This add-on includes a beautiful log in list view and detail view.  The features include the ability to auto clean-up/delete every x number of days and a filtering functionality. 

Some examples of how you could use the PBS Logging Add-On

  • Session Logins and Logouts

  • Data import processes

  • User activities (record creation, deletion, any type of interaction)

  • Server side script processes

  • FileMaker Go actions (you can’t use the debugger in FM Go)

  • PSOS scripts (also no debugger when a script runs on server)

  • And much more…

Important Things to Note

When installing a custom add-on, please be aware of the following.  Installation of the add-on will create new tables, fields, scripts, layouts and value lists to your file. You can uninstall the Add-on by following these instructions. If you install the Add-on and start creating calls to the main logging script, then decide to uninstall, please note that all calls to that script and all data from the table will be permanently removed. Currently the Add-on feature in FileMaker does not include an upgrade process, therefore it’s best to write your own script as a wrapper script that calls the main logging script by name. In this way, all calls to the add on script are centralized in one place, making it simple to deal with if you decide to upgrade or remove the add on. This is also a great technique when using 3rd party plugins. Please see below for an example wrapper script. 

This script first sets the script name “Log_Add_Log_Record” to a variable, then validates it using the ScriptNames script step then performs it by name.


1. Quit FileMaker Pro 19

2. Unarchive and copy the “PBS_Log” folder to this location:

Mac: HD/Users/YOU/Library/Application Support/FileMaker/Extensions/AddonModules

Windows: AppData\Local\FileMaker\Extensions\AddonModules

3. Open the file you wish to install the add-on in using FileMaker Pro 19

4. Enter Layout Mode on any layout

5. Open the Add-Ons tab and click + to add a new Add-On. You will be presented with an image like the following:

6. Click “Choose” to install the Add-On. This may take a few minutes to install.

7. After installation is complete, you will see the new layouts, scripts, tables, relationships and some sample data in your solution. 



To implement the PBS Log, you will need some knowledge of working with scripts and JSON, but the example script called “Log_Example” can easily be reused, or studied to show you how to use it in your own solution. The logging script is called with a set of parameters formatted in JSON. In the “Log_Example” script, we can see the two lines of code that create the Log record. (See the section above about Important Things to Note for instructions on how to write your own wrapper script to call the Log Record script step).

That’s it! Just copy and paste these two lines of code wherever you want, modifying the parameters where necessary. And you will be able to track anything in your solution.


The only setting you may wish to modify is the number of days to keep the log records. This can be set in the “Log_Settings” script. Here’s a screenshot of where to edit that preference.

We are excited about all the possibilities of custom add-ons and we hope you enjoy our first example. Please feel free to comment about the cool uses you find for the PBS Logging Add-On and please feel free to contact us if you need assistance implementing or customizing this for your solution.

7 thoughts on “Free PBS Logging Add-On”

  1. As of 11/5/2023 the download is no longer working. COnsole log shows Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘;’ at VMBS:1

    1. Hi Mike,
      Thank you for letting us know. When you’re on the download screen (the one after an email address is entered), try right-clicking on the orange words and choosing “Copy Link Address”, then pasting into a browser window. That’s a workaround that has helped before when that error has occurred.

  2. You might want to consider adding that the Library folder is a hidden folder… so it is not visible… then the user cannot just type the path into the Go command as they will usually get their own name and drive… wrong in the path … So the easy way is to NOT quit Filemaker… but to go into preferences and plugins and then show plugin folder… THEN quit Filemaker and place your plug in in to that folder.

  3. Can I ask, before having a play with this, what sort of impact on performance it might have?

    1. Great question! I suppose the answer is to use it critically. So you need to know about the amount of records and the impact that might have on the performance. You are using it to program when you want to add and remove records to that table. Obviously, if you’re programming a logging occurrence for every single task, it’s going to slow down each task when a log is added. But you can use PSOS to run the script, so that could help with performance. I suppose it’s just after the developer to decide how to use it wisely. I hope that helps!

  4. Hi,
    Three Questions:
    1. Have you taken this any further?
    2. …does it still work with 19.6.3?
    3. …can it be used with soutions running on FileMaker Server 19.6.3? (Linux)

    Please advise.



    1. Hi Sys,

      Thanks for reaching out. We don’t have an updated add-on at this time, but once installed, the add-on is completely open to you to customize, add new fields and criteria. We can assist with customizing it as well, if you are interested in that.

      I would assume the add-on will work in 19.6.3 and Linux, I can’t see why not, but not having tested it myself, I can’t guarantee. Feel free to download it and give it a try.

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