Screenshot of dashboard for our free PBS Logging Add-on

Install Our FREE FileMaker Logging Add-on v2.0

Three years ago, we proudly launched our initial version of PBS Log, a robust add-on designed for FileMaker solutions. Today, we are pleased to unveil an upgraded version, available for free in the Claris Marketplace.

Read below to see how to incorporate the add-on in your solution. And check out this area of our website to find even more free add-ons and demos that will help expand your development skills.

Goals of v2.0 of the FileMaker Logging Add-On

The core objectives of version 2.0 are to provide you with:

  1. Clear Call to Action when viewing the log listing.
  2. Efficient Filtering for easy retrieval of specific records.
  3. Informative Headers that tell a story—who, what script, and when was the log created.
  4. Modern Design: Sleek and contemporary for a visually appealing experience.
  5. Logical Chaining: Clear chaining of log records for multi-session logs.
  6. Settings Popover: An intuitive settings popover to access various options, such as:
    1. Logging instructions
    2. Record cleanup
    3. Data export
    4. Test record creation 
    5. Time offset

Easily Add Simple Logging Functionality to Any FileMaker Solution

With PBS Log, integrating simple FileMaker logging functionality into your solution is a breeze. This add-on features a visually appealing log in both list and detail views, robust filtering capabilities, comprehensive add-on instructions, and log record export functionality. The Claris documentation for logged information is accessible by clicking on the label from the log detail view.

Example Use Cases

The PBS Log proves valuable in many scenarios, including:

  • Session Logins and Logouts
  • Data Import Processes
  • User Activities: Record creation, deletion and other interactions.
  • Server-side Script Processes
  • FileMaker Go Actions: Particularly useful where the debugger is unavailable.
  • PSOS Scripts: Ideal for server-side script execution.
  • Relating Log Records to Data: Utilize a foreign key field to give your logging better context.

Important Considerations

When incorporating a custom add-on, remember:

  • Installation Impact: the add-on creates new tables, fields, scripts, layouts, and value lists.
  • Uninstallation: Follow the Claris help documentation for proper add-on removal, which deletes all calls to the main logging script and associated data permanently.
  • Custom Scripting: Develop a wrapper script that calls the main logging script by name for centralized control, which is essential when upgrading or removing the add-on.

Sample Wrapper Script

Installing and Implementing the Logging Add-On

Follow these steps for seamless integration:

  1. Quit FileMaker Pro.
  2. Unarchive and then copy the “PBS_Logging_Add_On” folder into the appropriate location:
    1. Mac: HD/Users/YOU/Library/Application Support/FileMaker/Extensions/AddonModules
    2. Windows: Users\YOU\AppData\Local\FileMaker\Extensions\AddonModules
  3. Open your FileMaker Pro file.
  4. Enter Layout Mode on any layout.
  5. Open the Add-Ons tab and click ‘+’ to add a new Add-On.
  1. Click “Choose” to install the Add-On.
    1. Note: The installation process may take a few minutes.
  2. After installation, discover new layouts, scripts, tables, relationships, and even some sample data in your solution.

Implementing the FileMaker Logging Add-On

Implement PBS Log with ease:

  • Knowledge Prerequisite: Basic familiarity with scripts and JSON.
  • Example Script: Refer to “Log_Example” script for guidance or reuse.
  • Logging Script Parameters: Passed in JSON format for flexibility and customization.

Now You Can Easily Track Anything in Your Solution

That’s it! Just copy and paste a few lines of code, adjust the parameters as needed, and  you have gained the ability to effortlessly track various activities and session times in your solution.

We are thrilled about the enhanced UI of our add-on and look forward to seeing how you leverage this log feature. If you have any questions in implementing or customizing the PBS Log to suit your solution’s needs, don’t hesitate to reach out for a free consultation. We’re happy to take this add-on and create custom logging in your FileMaker solution. Happy coding!

Stay Tuned for the Next Episode of the FileMaker DevCast, Focused on Error Capturing

Episode 15 of the FileMaker DevCast will be released soon, focusing on error capturing, logging, and tracking. Listen on PodBean or Apple Podcasts, or catch the YouTube videos. Also keep an eye out for Episode 16, which will be focused on Claris Connect, with guest Beth Murillo, Operations Manager and software developer at The Scarpetta Group.

About the Author

Russell Heppell began his FileMaker development with a prototype tooling and milling company before migrating to the Portage Bay team. His education and projects cover a wide range of concepts, including front-end design and storing ESD and DOR sensitive data via AWS cloud services, enhancing his toolset and ability to adapt quickly. Russell also has over seven years of retail and management experience, giving him the ability to communicate well and view a solution’s needs from the client’s perspective. His creative passion is music, whether writing, recording, or playing live shows with his band around Seattle. Russell holds a B.S. in Software Engineering from Washington State University.

2 thoughts on “Install Our FREE FileMaker Logging Add-on v2.0”

  1. Hi,
    I’m very happy to see the new version of your add-on. I have a question: what is the best thing to do to migrate an existing filemaker database with PBS Log version 1.0 to the new version?

    1. Hi Dao,
      Below is a step-by-step process of transferring pre-existing add-on data to a new version of an add-on and installing:

      1. Create a backup of your solution in case of errors
      2. Go to Add-On layout
      3. Depending on file size and table count of add-on, export all v1 add-on records as a merge file to retain field names, or you can use the backup for importing in step 10.
      4. If customizations have been made to the v1 scripts, rename the v1 scripts folder so it doesn’t get deleted in the next step
      5. Uninstall v1 Add-on (enable “delete all tables, fields, and record data”)
      6. Delete v1 Add-On folder from “AddonModules” folder
      – mac: ~/Library/Application\ Support/FileMaker/Extensions/AddonModules/Add-On/
      – win: ~\AppData\Local\FileMaker\Extensions\AddonModules\Add-On\
      7. Add the new v2 Add-On folder in same directory
      8. Restart FileMaker
      9. Add the v2 Add-On to your solution
      10. Import the v1 records from step 2
      11. If customizations have been made to the v1 scripts, copy them into the v2 scripts
      12. Update all the “perform script” steps calling the v1 scripts to use the v2 scripts, including the new script parameters

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