Introducing the Map Widget

As of November 2022, the Internet Explorer browser is no longer supported by the Google Maps API. If you are using FileMaker 18 the Map Widget may not work correctly, as the FM18 web viewer on Windows uses IE. Upgrading to FileMaker 19 should solve this issue.

Please Note:
We have a newer
Map Widget product that we are now offering FREE!

We are pleased to announce the release of our Map Widget v.1.0 product. This is a new tool built natively with FileMaker which can be easily integrated into your existing FileMaker solution. The Map Widget provides you with the ability to display your FileMaker data as locations on a Google Map, using the Google Maps clustering functionality. You can easily interact with the Google Map, click on each pin, display details about the location, and even click a link to return you to that specific record in your FileMaker solution.

The Map Widget is currently on sale for $50 to the first five purchasers. We are also including an option to purchase a widget implementation package, in which a Portage Bay Solutions expert will remotely assist you with getting the widget set up and integrated within your solution. Please check out the links below for more information or to purchase the Map Widget today.

Purchase Map Widget

Purchase Implementation Service

About the Map Widget

Map Widget Documentation