Screenshot from our free FileMaker Date Picker Widget

New Add-on! Free FileMaker Date Picker Widget

As part of an internal project where we are turning some of our various code modules into add-ons, we’ve revised the date picker and are making it freely available. Download it below!

Portage Bay Solutions

Download the Free FileMaker Date Picker Widget

This blog post is an update about our FileMaker date picker, originally posted in October 2018, by Kate Waldhauser, in an article titled Modular Date Range Chooser. In the original article, we provided a demo file that you could download and then copy the modular date range chooser into your Claris FileMaker solution. We later provided an update about a couple of bugs that had been corrected. Please see that earlier post for details on the inner workings of the date range chooser. 

Now that demo has become a free add-on! As part of an internal project where we are turning some of our various code modules into add-ons, we’ve revised the date picker and are making it freely available. Download it below!

This new version of the date picker add-on corrects some user interface glitches in the original and is easy to add to any FileMaker solution. Your users will be able to easily enter a date range, or quickly choose pre-selected date ranges at the click of a button.

Screenshot from our FileMaker data picker free add-on

To Install the Add-On

  1. Use the link in this section of the blog post to download the Add-on. It is compressed as a zip file.
  2. Decompress the file.
  3. You’ll end up with a folder titled ‘Date_Widget_PBS’.
  4. Copy this folder to the Addons folder for your version of FileMaker Pro.
    1. It will be in your user directory.
    2. The path is /<username>/Library/Application Support/FileMaker/Extensions/AddonModules/
  5. Quit and reopen FileMaker Pro.

To Add the Date Picker to Your Solution

  1. Go into Layout mode.Since you’re not going to be adding anything to a layout, it doesn’t matter which layout you choose.
  2. Click the vertical line icon in the top right side of the status toolbar, then click Add-ons.
  3. Click the plus icon at the bottom of the add-on list, select an add-on, and click Choose.
  4. The add-on appears in the add-ons list and is available to place on a layout.
  5. The scripts and layouts for the date picker are now a part of your solution.
  6. See the script DateRange Example script in the DateRange Addon folder that has been added to your Script Workspace for an example of how to implement the date picker in your solution.

Find Us in the Claris Marketplace

Take some time to review our FileMaker Pro resources on our free add-ons and demos page, as well as our free items in the Claris Marketplace.

Contact Us with Questions or for Assistance

We’d love to use our development and problem-solving skills to find the right add-on or connector for your FileMaker solution. Contact us to get started on a quote.

About the Author

John Newhoff’s business background and years of database design, computer, and network configuration, and troubleshooting experience allow him to see beyond the immediate problem to the long-term solution. John is the business manager of Portage Bay and our lead 4th Dimension developer, creating sophisticated cross-platform solutions..