The Texas flag waving in the wind.

Travel Tips When Visting Austin, Texas, for Claris Engage 2025

It’s that time of year again! Claris Engage 2025 is up this week and will once again take place at the Apple campus in Austin, Texas. Our team had a fantastic time at last year’s conference, with many of us meeting in person for the first time. We’re excited to return and connect with the Claris community once more!

Don’t Miss Xandon’s Session on Leveraging Local LLMs

This year, our very own Xandon Frogett, a Senior Application Developer, will be presenting an in-depth session on Leveraging Local LLMs.

The Claris Engage speaker announcement for Xandon Frogget who will be speaking in Austin Texas. The left side has the title of his presentation and his name, the with date and time of the speech running along the bottom. The right side of the screen has Xandon's picture, with the "Register Now" button beneath it.

Unlock the power of AI within your Claris FileMaker solutions while maintaining complete data privacy. Xandon’s session will cover how to set up and integrate a local LLM with Claris FileMaker, enabling advanced AI capabilities without compromising sensitive information.

You’ll learn about:

  • Hardware requirements for implementing LLM
  • Open-source LLM options to consider
  • Optimization techniques for enhanced performance
  • Practical steps for integrating LLM with Claris FileMaker

Discover how to leverage AI to enhance your apps’ functionality, from intelligent search to automated content generation, all while keeping your data on-premises.

Xandon’s session is ideal for developers looking to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving world of AI-powered Claris FileMaker solutions.

Experience the Best of Austin, Texas

Last year, we shared some top recommendations for exploring Austin, including ways to:

  • Explore the Texas Hill Country
  • Visit the Texas Capitol Building
  • Enjoy world-class BBQ
  • Swim in a crystal-clear spring
  • Grab a breakfast taco
  • Catch a live music show
  • Try two-stepping
  • Explore Austin’s rich history

This year, we’re diving deeper with practical travel tips for making the most of your trip to Texas.

Essential Texas Travel Tips

Yes, You Can Turn Right on Red

Unless a sign says otherwise, you can legally turn right at a red light after coming to a complete stop. However, always proceed with caution — misjudging a turn can have serious consequences. Be extra mindful of pedestrians and cyclists, especially in a city like Austin, where biking is popular. One of our developers, Joe Ranne, is an avid cyclist, so if you see someone speeding by on two wheels, it might just be him! Double-check for cyclists before making that turn to keep Austin’s roads safe for everyone.

Texans Don’t Honk—Unless You’ve “Stepped in It”

Unlike in some cities, honking is not part of everyday driving in Texas. If you hear a horn, it’s not a friendly nudge — it means you’ve made a driving mistake. Whether you failed to merge correctly or took too long when the light turned green, take it in stride and move along. Don’t honk back — it’s a quick way to escalate things unnecessarily.

Wave to Show Appreciation

In Texas, when someone lets you into traffic, it’s customary to give a quick wave. A simple raise of the hand (palm forward) will do. Don’t honk — it can come across as ungrateful and may earn you an unfriendly gesture in return.

We Measure Distance in Time, Not Miles

If you ask a Texan how far away something is, you probably won’t get an answer in miles. Instead, you’ll hear something like, “About 20 minutes, but closer to an hour during rush hour.”

The Expression of Distance is Relative

I still chuckle whenever I watch this reel from That Englishman in Texas describing how he learned about travel times in Texas. It’s quite accurate.

  • Down the road = about 2 hours
  • Down the road a ways = 5 hours +
  • Down the road a bit = you’re gonna be in the car all day
A Texas road sign that states "Exit 540" and lists the following places and times.
San Antonio - 30 minutes
Austin Texas - 1.5 hours
Dallas - Half a day
El Paso - Tomorrow

Time can also be relative

  • “Fixin’ to” means “about to”, as in “I’m fixin’ to git a drink.”
  • “Directly” means soon-ish, but not necessarily right away. “I’ll be there directly.”
  • “In a little bit” could be minutes, could be hours. Ask for clarification.

Texas Lingo 101

I lived in New Mexico until I was seven but was raised by Pennsylvanian parents and grandparents, so I don’t have the stereotypical Texan drawl. But I find comfort in many familiar phrases. Here are a few you might hear:

  • “Coke” – Used as a generic term for any soft drink.
  • Dr Pepper – Never spelled with a period.
  • Y’all – Short for “you all.” The apostrophe goes after the “y.” (Sometimes we take it to the extreme and you might hear someone say, “Y’all have a great rest of y’all’s day”.)
  • “Bless your heart” – Usually not a compliment, but a “polite” way to be condescending.
  • “Madder than a wet hen” – Describes someone who’s really upset.
  • “You can hang your hat on that” — Something is reliable or guaranteed.
  • “That dog won’t hunt” – Means that idea won’t work.

Be Prepared for Texas Weather

Texas weather can be unpredictable in March. One day might be 90°F (32°C), and the next morning could drop to 30°F (-1°C). While the forecast for Claris Engage looks gorgeous, it’s always best to pack layers—just in case.

Animal Encounters

During your trip, you may see a lot of animals (some dead, some less so). These include:

  • Armadillo
  • Cows (including Longhorns)
  • Coyote
  • Deer
  • Horses
  • Possum
  • Rabbits
  • Snakes
  • Skunks
  • Squirrels

Either way, steer clear! 

If you come across a friendly Texan on horseback, get permission before approaching. The same applies to gates — never open a Texan’s gate without clear pre-approval.

Another tip: Always approach a horse from the front at an angle so the horse can see you. Do not approach from the back. It’s a bit of an art, but if you incorporate a generous dose of common sense, then you should be fine. 

See You at Claris Engage in Austin, Texas!

John, Joe, and Xandon will be at Claris Engage 2025—be sure to say hi! We’ll also be recording a live episode of the FileMaker DevCast from the Apple campus, so keep an eye out for its release.

Happy travels, and welcome to the Lone Star State!

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