Get your FREE DEMO of simple command line tasks that can be used in Claris FileMaker. In a world of expanding API integrations and Claris Connect workflows, the command line is one tool that often gets overlooked. One of our recent projects needed to perform some video editing tasks using videos stored in the Claris FileMaker solution. Our first reaction was to start looking into some APIs to perform the specified tasks and while researching that I was reminded of FFmpeg. This post explores FFmpeg and other command line options further.
We all know that Claris has added significant new capabilities in the last several versions of FileMaker Pro for creating custom web applications, especially with the introduction of the FM Data API in FileMaker 16. With the recent successful production deployment of a new custom web app project, I thought it would be a good time to write a blog post about a couple of web applications we’ve done for clients utilizing FileMaker Pro as the back end database engine.
We've been getting our servers updated to Claris FileMaker Server 19.4.2 recently and noticed an aspect of the install that it might help others to be aware of. We were using the built in FMWebSite that FileMaker Server installs to allow downloads of an IPA file for testing on a mobile device. This requires defining a couple of custom MIME types in the web server configuration, .plist and .ipa. The FMS installer appears to overwrite the FMWebSite configuration, at least on Windows, and reset the MIME types to the defaults, removing the .ipa and .plist entries we'd created.
A client who was using SeedCode’s DayBack calendar wanted to implement Dayback’s Zoom integration to be able to schedule Zoom meetings directly from the calendar. Fancy schmancy stuff. So I set it up. It didn’t work. Well, not at first, anyway.
With Carafe Kitchen, implementing JavaScript into your Claris FileMaker 16+ solutions has become as easy as copying a script. With all the new features in FileMaker that are supporting JavaScript, the one thing that I found lacking and still difficult to overcome was a solid process for managing and implementing JavaScript libraries. After struggling to roll my own implementations that could be maintained easily, I was relieved and excited to find this valuable tool. Carafe Kitchen has been one of the most exciting FileMaker tools for me this year.
In this edition of the spotlight, we’re taking a deep look at the Calendar. Prior to FileMaker 19.1, building a robust, native calendar interface in FileMaker typically required some form of repeating fields, portals, and/or list view, combined with multiple layered objects or layouts. With the Calendar Add-on, a calendar interface can be quickly added to any solution with very little hassle.