I’m going to use a construction analogy here … would you hire a builder who was building their first house? We have been building Claris FileMaker Pro solutions for over 30 years and with our current team we have Read more
At Portage Bay, we’re very excited to announce that we have recently been elevated to Platinum status as a Claris Partner. 📣 With this designation, Portage Bay joins the top tier of FileMaker developers and Claris solution providers. Becoming a Platinum Partner is by invitation only from Claris and means that Portage Bay has demonstrated strong support for the six pillars of excellence defined by Claris - design, develop, educate, innovate, advocate, and grow.
In the FileMaker community, the Claris FileMaker certification exam is one of the primary means of identifying an individual or firm as a recognized professional in the field. We’re excited to announce that Senior Partner (and co-founder) of Portage Bay Solutions, John Newhoff, earned an additional certification by passing the version 19 exam last week. Congrats, John! Pass the cake! 🎉 🍰
What does it mean to be a professional? A technical definition may include the fact that one is in a ‘profession’. This is generally defined as a line of work that requires some sort of certification, where you subscribe to a code of conduct or ethics, and where recurrent training is required. Accountancy, healthcare, and the legal profession are all obvious examples.
Congratulations to John Newhoff, newly FileMaker 18 certified developer.