Today’s the day for a new FileMaker review! Word is spreading that Claris has just released FileMaker 2023. It’s big news, and we are excited to tell you Read more
The Claris Beyond Meetup had the pleasure of hearing Alec Gregory, of Beezwax, share about end to end web integration with the open source toolset, bzBond.
The possibilities of Claris FileMaker web integrations Read more
The Claris Platform is changing. The newest additions to the Claris Platform (Claris Connect in 2019, and Claris Studio in 2022) have enhanced the FileMaker developer’s tool set and provided new ways for Read more
“Innovate every day with Claris. Use a unified, hybrid platform to build and deploy custom apps, integrate with existing data and systems, and automate manual workflows.
— Claris
As a company, we are actively involved in creating and modernizing Read more
When I meet people and tell them I build custom apps in FileMaker, the number of people who recall the platform from years and years ago with a nostalgic smile is impressive. Perhaps the loyalty FileMaker users have toward the platform is an important reason Claris FileMaker has thrived for so long. Along with PowerPoint and Microsoft Word, FileMaker stands with some of the few software applications nearing 40 years old. It has become a software platform that has stood the test of time. But in today's age, your FileMaker Pro database management system is no longer a stand-alone solution. It needs to become the hub to connect your existing business applications and integrate them with custom solutions in the cloud.
The Claris Beyond Meetup had the pleasure of hearing David Wollesen, of protabase, share about Devin, the new and complete DevOps tool for Claris FileMaker. Devin creates an integrated project workspace for collaborative, branched development, version control, change logging, unit/integration testing, release management, automated deployment and data migration, and centralized server monitoring — all from within FileMaker Pro.