In this edition of the FileMaker Add-on spotlight, we’re taking a deep look at the Rich Text Editor. If you’re familiar with web development, rich text editors have been around for years, allowing users to easily apply rich text in a browser for a “What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get” (WYSIWYG) interface.
One of the most exciting new features of FileMaker 19 is the ability to create custom add-ons. Beyond the set of default add-ons available with any FileMaker client installation, developers now have the ability to design and deploy custom add-ons through the Claris Marketplace. Before putting our first add-on into the marketplace, we are providing it for free on our blog. You are able to download this add-on by clicking the link at the bottom of this article.
FileMaker has always included starter solutions, simple databases with basic structure that allow anyone to use as a starting point. Through the years and various versions of FileMaker, the solutions have become more advanced and complex to show the new features of FileMaker.
A few years back, we released a demo to discuss/review the cURL functionality introduced into the “Insert from URL” script step in FileMaker 16. While the cURL implementation introduced some data transfer standards into the FileMaker framework, the real magic happens in the “Insert from URL” script step.In this new version of the cURL demo, we took the same demo from the cURL blog post and gave it some updates, applied a new theme, and added the feature to send HTML emails using the SMTP(S) protocol introduced in FileMaker 18. We’re also using a navigation module we’ve built that utilizes the JavaScript functionality introduced in FileMaker 19.
Combine the power of Google’s mapping technology and your FileMaker solution with Portage Bay’s Map Widget. In a few easy steps, integrate Google Maps to display interactive location data utilizing Google’s Marker Clustering function along with callbacks to FileMaker.
We released the Map Widget last year, but have just recently published a new overview video to provide an easier way to get an idea of how it works.
Through the years, the concept of favorites has become a standard in most software user interfaces. File browsers, media players, and web browsers all implement some form of favorites in one way or another. As a developer, it’s easy for me to overlook this concept in any application or framework, but in FileMaker, the use of favorites has never really been my favorite.