Registration for the annual developers conference for FileMaker and Claris Connect has opened and it will be virtual again this year. While I’ll miss the opportunity for a bit of travel and to see my fellow developers, the Engage Beyond 2021 virtual conference will make it a lot easier for the entire Portage Bay team to participate. This year, Claris has extended the timeline for Engage Beyond and we’ll be having great learning opportunities all year long.
On August 4-5, Claris hosted their first Claris Engage conference for all Claris customers, partners, and developers!
On August 4-5, Claris is hosting their first Claris Engage conference for all Claris customers, partners, and developers! And this year, the event will be virtual and absolutely free!
I’m sitting in the Hyatt, Orlando International Airport, just having finished a slice of key lime pie while I wait for my flight home from the annual FileMaker Developer’s conference, FileMaker DevCon to those of us that have been attending for years.
Grapevine, Texas in August may not be the first place most people would choose to spend a week in August. It's pretty warm. On the positive side, the parks and public places are pretty quiet. I visited Dealey Plaza, the site of John F Kennedy’s assassination as well as a Trinity Audubon center south of Dallas and both were pleasantly uncrowded. For FileMaker Devcon 2018, Grapevine was a pretty great location! The Gaylord Texan hotel is huge. I easily walked 2 to 3 miles a day just getting around the conference center and hotel. Good Exercise :)