The annual FileMaker developers conference (Devcon) is coming up soon. Something we always look forward to at Portage Bay, this year the conference is in Dallas, Texas. Thank goodness for air conditioning!
Late last month, 1,600 FileMaker developers descended on Phoenix for the annual FileMaker developers conference, this year held at the Marriott Desert Springs Resort. I understand attendance was up by about 300 people this year and the hotel ran out of rooms a couple of months ago.
This spring and summer are shaping up to be pretty interesting for FileMaker and 4th Dimension developers from an education and skills development perspective. I have three training seminars and developers conferences on the schedule.
This year’s DevCon consisted of three days of sessions, each broken up into four one-hour chunks, with plenty of time for lunch and breaks. This more relaxed schedule was great, as it allowed for time to decompress and digest the wealth of information in the sessions.
Just a short note letting you know the developers are out at DevCon
The Pause on Error conference is a FileMaker developer’s conference on a smaller scale than FileMaker’s annual DevCon (in Las Vegas this year). It gives you a nice opportunity to more easily meet people and the sessions tend to be less formal.