Relationships are the basis of relational database design. When set up properly, table relationships will ensure your database runs like a well oiled machine. However, sometimes we run into systems where relationship keys are open to the user, exposing data to the risk of human error if a relationship is changed improperly. It’s sometimes desirable to refactor these relationships to use a proper artificial key relationships to connect tables, a laborious task depending on the size of your database. This post discusses a convenient trick to populate Primary Keys, a reminder about mismatched data types, and a modular script to help populate foreign keys when refactoring a key relationship.
When developing FileMaker solutions, one of the issues that always comes up is the lack of Version control options. How can you use Version control with FileMaker, and what is it? Read this article to find out.
When working with multi-file solutions in FileMaker, sharing variables can be a stumbling block. In this blog, I will explain the process we chose when we built the Button Bar Sort Headers solution. It is one of my favorite techniques for sharing variables when they are needed for field calculations.
Aggregate Functions are the lifeblood of data analysis. However, aggregate functions can often be a little confusing. Things like variable field references, single constant values, or calculating empty values can all cause confusion if you are not familiar with the nuances of aggregate functions.
FileMaker’s web viewer is often referred to as a “black box” within the FileMaker framework. There are seemingly endless uses hidden within it’s confines, from simply displaying a webpage to integrating Google calendar into a FileMaker solution.
The current incarnation of our Blog was first published 6 years ago. During that time we’ve posted a lot of blog articles, included a number that include sample files that demonstrate a variety of techniques and ideas for features in FileMaker.