Get your FREE DEMO of simple command line tasks that can be used in Claris FileMaker. In a world of expanding API integrations and Claris Connect workflows, the command line is one tool that often gets overlooked. One of our recent projects needed to perform some video editing tasks using videos stored in the Claris FileMaker solution. Our first reaction was to start looking into some APIs to perform the specified tasks and while researching that I was reminded of FFmpeg. This post explores FFmpeg and other command line options further.
Welcome to the third part of this summer’s blog series - Harnessing the Power of Digital Transformation. This post offers real-world advice on implementing a successful custom software project. Let's start with how companies drive innovation. We can't build the "next great thing" if we aren't sure exactly what that is. Most companies strive to have a competitive edge. But it's the ones with a company culture which values creativity and innovation that can best implement tools and processes that will allow for that edge to happen and be fruitful.
Welcome to the second part of this summer’s blog series - Harnessing the Power of Digital Transformation. Watch the video, and read the post, to learn more about how ROI and KPIs should factor into your decisions about where to change and improve your business processes. In case you missed it, you can read part one of the series here: The Age of Digital Transformation and Why it Matters. I’m excited to share with you more in-depth insights into calculating the success of your digital transformation and using analytics to make future decisions.
We all have a lot on our plates these days (often too much!), and it can be hard to keep up with these needs for expanding technology and ensuring your business is taking advantage of the options they should be. Not only is our job to stay up to date on the latest technology, but also to understand our client’s businesses so we can help ensure they are meeting their goals. That’s why we are kicking off this summer with a new four-part blog series that delivers the keys to this kind of tailored, successful custom software development, called Harnessing the Power of Digital Transformation.
Use our FREE, updated modular export script to export all data from FileMaker Pro! In FileMaker Pro 19.4, Claris introduced the new FileMaker_BaseTableFields table to the metadata tables accessible via the ODBC interface and the Execute SQL function. Rather than containing one record for each field in each table occurrence, the new table contains just one field for each base table that exists on the relationship graph. We used this update to make our modular export script more bulletproof and more useful.
When it comes to Claris FileMaker development, having a clear plan prior to development is definitely key. When communicating design concepts and generating ideas with a client during the early stages, having resources that make the process more efficient can be helpful. One tool that can be used to help with creating a blueprint of your database is wireframing.