Claris Beyond FileMaker Support Group

A space for users of all levels to succeed in an ever-changing digital age.

How did this group start?

The Claris FileMaker Western Washington group and the Claris Connect Meetup joined forces in 2022 to form Claris Beyond. The Western Washington group brought a long history of respect for the FileMaker platform and a deep knowledge of its foundations and capabilities.

The Claris Connect group brought an interest in exploring connectors and ways to bridge the gap between FileMaker and other applications.

Together, the Claris Beyond user group continues that shared eagerness to harness the strength of FileMaker while seamlessly connecting it with technology at large - whether that be through Claris Connect, API’s, Tableau, JavaScript, and more.

Who can join?

Anyone and everyone! We are a very welcoming, collaborative group whose success depends on detailed interactions among developers, hobbyists, and enthusiasts so that we can all keep our craft strong, innovative, and flexible as times and technologies progress. No matter your skill level, join us for some fun.


What's it like?

  • We meet monthly through Zoom, on the third Wednesday of each month, from 12pm - 1:30pm Pacific time.
  • Group members will be invited to a Slack workspace specifically for Claris Beyond, to provide a way to connect and keep the discussions going between meetings.
  • In-person gatherings and workshops in the Seattle area are held from time to time. Keep an eye out for more details about those!

Can I present?

Absolutely! The Claris Beyond group’s focus is on topics related to external integrations such as Claris Connect, REST API integration, or integration via a third-party tool or application. We would love to have you participate fully in the user group by signing up to share your knowledge of a specific area. 

Fill out this form and let us know what you’d like to explore. It can be an area you’re already working with, or one where you’d like to delve in and learn more.



The Claris Beyond user group is sponsored by Portage Bay Solutions, a Claris Platinum Partner.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Claris Beyond Users Group?

The Claris Beyond Users Group is a platform for users at all levels to enhance their skills, focusing on FileMaker and its external integrations like Claris Connect and REST API.

How can I join the Claris Beyond Users Group?

Joining is free and open to everyone interested in FileMaker and its integrations. You can join through the Meetup platform where group events and details are posted.

What topics are covered in the group meetings?

The group covers FileMaker functionalities, Claris Connect, REST APIs, and third-party integrations. Meetings often include problem-solving, sharing innovative solutions, and expert discussions.

Are there any resources available for learning?

Yes, the group provides various resources including tutorial videos, expert talks, and collaborative problem-solving sessions which are accessible through their YouTube channel and Meetup events.

What are the benefits of joining the FileMaker Users group?

Benefits include access to exclusive resources, training sessions, networking opportunities with other FileMaker professionals, and updates on the latest FileMaker developments.

Can I attend meetings virtually?

Yes, all Claris Beyond meetings are held virtually over Zoom.

Are there membership fees?

Never! Claris Beyond is completely free and all are encouraged to attend.

How often do FileMaker Users groups meet?

We meet monthly on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 12 PM PT/3PM ET.