FileMaker 18 Product Line Technical Brief

May 2019

Keeping up to date on software updates helps to ensure your data is safe and secure. FileMaker 14 and earlier versions are no longer supported and that means there will be no updates or patches provided by FileMaker. FileMaker 15 is scheduled for official product end of life in September of 2019. Upgrading to FileMaker 18 gives you access to the newest features and helps to keep your database stable and your data protected. If your FileMaker licenses are under maintenance or you have an annual license, you are entitled to the FileMaker 18 update at no additional charge.

We have developed a list of the most useful tools and enhancements (in our opinion) below, but this list is not exhaustive. The official FileMaker 18 help page includes a complete list of new features.

FileMaker Pro New Features

  • The data import dialog has been significantly enhanced. Selecting the field order and field mapping when importing is much easier, especially when working with large tables.
  • The Security dialog now allows user management responsibility to be delegated to other than Full Access users.
  • The scripting language now includes commands for working with data files directly - creating, reading, and writing to these documents. A plug-in is no longer necessary for this often essential functionality.
  • Also new to the scripting language is the new Save as XML script step. This allows an XML representation of the FileMaker file to be automatically saved.
  • The Insert From URL script step has been improved with new cURL support options.
  • The FMP Data URL now supports launching into a specific version of FileMaker.
  • The calculation engine has a new While loop option.