Map Widget

As of November 2022, Internet Explorer is no longer supported by the Google Maps API. If you are using FileMaker 18, the Map Widget may not work correctly as the FM18 web viewer on Windows uses IE. Upgrading to FileMaker 19 should solve this issue.

Quickly and easily implement Google's mapping technology in your Claris FileMaker solution, including the ability to call back to FileMaker and utilize the Google cluster functionality.

The Map Widget is a FileMaker add-on file accessed from your solution by copying two scripts and modifying them for your data. A typical implementation can take a surprisingly small amount of time.

Please note, your location data must include latitude and longitude to integrate with the Google API. Google provides tools for assigning this data to your location records. The Map Widget includes scripts for 'Geo-Coding' your location data in this way.

Download Map Widget Demo

Map Widget Tutorial Video

Step 1: Initial Setup

1. Backup your solution files in case you want to start over, or encounter any problems when implementing the Map Widget.

2. Put the PBS_Widget and PBS Demo - Maps Widget files on the server where it will be hosted and open the files in FileMaker Server. Once you're all finished with these instructions, you can remove the Demo file if you wish, but it really helps to be there for copying and pasting scripts with references intact. 

3. If you won't be hosting with FileMaker Server, place the files in the same folder as your solution.

Step 2: Import Scripts

1. Import (or copy) the Map Widget scripts to your solution from the PBS Demo - Maps Widget file (the two scripts in the Map Widget folder of the demo file). The user name for the demo file is 'admin' and the password is 'admin'.

You will get a couple of errors that we'll fix in the next few steps.

FileMaker will create an external data source for the widget file.

2. If you plan to host the widget file on a server other than where your solution is hosted, you will need to edit this reference to point to the file on that host.

Step 4: Permissions

Modify the privilege groups of the users who will interact with the Map Widget so that they have the ability to use FMP URLs enabled. This is done in the Manage Security dialog as shown below.