UI & UX Design Consulting

Using design to improve your user experience & functionality.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can existing themes be customized in FileMaker?

Existing themes in FileMaker can be customized to align with the desired aesthetics and functionality. Designers can make adjustments to colors, fonts, and other design elements to create a cohesive and branded look for their databases. This approach ensures that visual aspects of the user interface align with the organization's branding or the specific requirements of the project.

How can a successful UI design process be approached within FileMaker?

Successful UI design in FileMaker requires a careful balance of control and customization to create efficient and productive workflows. It should involve considerations such as:

  • Layout choice

  • Theme selection

  • Primary navigation within FileMaker databases.

Designers should pay attention to user needs, gather the right data through FileMaker tools like FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Go, and FileMaker WebDirect, and leverage tools that provide flexibility and fluidity to solve business problems.

Designers should not rely on default styles and should instead learn to customize them effectively.